Mediterranea Shpk recognizes the ethical values of respect for human rights as a central role in corporate strategy.
Management commitment
Mediterranea Shpk recognizes the ethical values of respect for human rights a central role in corporate strategy.
Citizens and the community, increasingly aware of the need to respect fundamental human values, they want to know not only the quality level of the service but also the ways in which it comes disbursed and the related social cost in terms of ethical, environmental, health and safety factors.
In consideration of these aspects and the social value of the services provided, Mediterranea Shpk intends to support human values and adopt socially responsible behaviours, managing its business correctly and attentive to the expectations of all interested parties.
To pursue this goal, the commitment is aimed at the continuous improvement of all aspects related to social responsibility.
The primary objective of Mediterranea Shpk is to obtain complete and continuous customer satisfaction, the only way to business success and the development of its activities.
However, this development must take place in a compatible way so, in addition to maintaining high qualitative standards and to achieve of adequate levels of personnel safety, environmental protection must also be taken into account.
As part of the corporate objectives, both the internal work environment (at all functional levels) and the corporate supply chain must ensure compliance with the following requirements and commitments regarding SA8000:

1. Child and minors labour: refusal to use child/ minors labor in the company production cycle, with verification of the age of the worker before being hired;
2. Forced or Compulsory Labour: refusal to use forced or compulsory labour and prohibition of the employment of personnel against one’s wi II and of resorting to any form of work under threat or coercion; prohibition to charge commissions or costs related to hiring, at the total or partial expense of workers;
3. Health and Safety: punctual compliance with all mandatory obligations regarding health and safety in the workplace (e.g.: training of workers, risk assessment and management, etc.) and relative management in compliance with specific company procedures. All staff are granted the right to leave work in the event of imminent and danger, without having to ask the company and/or the customer for permission.
4. Freedom of association and right to collective bargaining: respect for the right of all staff to form, organize or participate in trade unions of their choice as required by Albanian law, without this having any negative consequences or provoking retaliation; compliance with all the obligations provided for by the Labour Code or Sector Agreements;

5. Discrimination: the company does not use or support any form of discrimination in hiring, remuneration, access to training, promotion, termination of employment or retirement, on the basis of race, national, territorial or social origin, caste, birth, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, family responsibility, marital status, social affiliation, political opinion, age or any other condition that could give rise to discrimination. Behaviour, gestures, language or physical contact, sexual, threatening and exploitative are prohibited.
6. Disciplinary Practices: the company does not implement or encourage the practice of corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion and verbal abuse. Any disciplinary measures taken must refer to the law and to the Labour Contract or Sector Agreements. The progressive sanctioning measures to be adopted are made known to workers by posting the company Disciplinary Code in points of common consultation present in the workplace.
7. Working hours: compliance with rest days and weekly working limits, overtime limits and all other legal requirements or Sector Agreements regarding working hours.
8. Salary: The company guarantees that salaries comply with the employment contract, current legislation, or Sector Agreements. The payment of the same will be made monthly and in a convenient way for the worker. The Administration Office is available (through a meeting at their office) for the management of any disputes and / or clarifications relating to salary payments.
9. Management System: implementation and effective implementation of a Management System for Social Responsibility according to Standard SA8000: 14, aimed at monitoring performance and continuous improvement; timely implementation of corrective and preventive actions through the allocation of adequate resources by Top Management

The objectives identified by Mediterranea Shpk are:
For Social Responsibility: ethically correct personnel management in compliance with the rights of workers, rejecting discrimination, coercion and exploitation.
To achieve these objectives, Mediterranea Shpk is committed to:

o Operate in substantial agreement with the SA 8000 standard.
o Make resources available and make the necessary organizational efforts.

These goals are achievable only thanks to the complete, unconditional and continuous commitment from all parties.

The Management has identified a Social Performance Team (composed of representatives of the Workers and of the Management about SA8000 in a balanced way), which has the authority and the necessary resources to ensure:

• compliance of the company system with the SA 8000 standard.
• the suitability of the same to achieve the objectives.
• the adequacy of the social responsibility policy.
• the dissemination of knowledge of the requirements of SA 8000

All company personnel and all other interested parties can contact the Social Performance Team for any ethical-social reports.
Dialogue in the workplace is a key component of social responsibility. To ensure both the organization and all the Interested Parties the possibility of constructively contributing to the improvement of the Social Responsibility Management System, the company has in fact activated a communication system for the management of repot1s concerning the application of the SA 8000 standard, disseminated to workers with the aid of a specific document (Form for reporting complaints SA800- MOD_009_00l_Segnalazione_reclami).
The above reports can be forwarded to the company, also anonymously, in writing or by e-mail and will be recorded and analysed to activate, if possible, a corrective or preventive action.
All reports can also be sent anonymously to the following addresses:

• Social Performance Team
S.P.T. - Mediterranea Sh.p.k, Rruga “5 Maj” Njesia Bashkiake nr. 4 - 1012 Tirana
Or by emai I by writing to:
• Administrative Office (Eridona <;obo - head of the social responsibility management system) by writing to:
• Verbally, by contacting the Head of the Social Responsibility Management System (Ms Eridona <;obo) or by contacting the Workers’ Representative (Ms Linda Doci).

If the company is unable to manage or completely resolve a complaint, workers can appeal by writing to the following bodies certifying the company’s SA8000 certification:

EUROCERT. Inspection and certification body
89 Chlois & Lykovriseos, Metamorfosi, 14452 Athens, Greece -

S.A.A.S. International guarantor body
15 West 44th Street, 6th Floor - New York, NY 10036 -

The continuous analysis and evaluation of the indications deriving f om the Interested Parties constitutes the basis for an open and constructive dialogue for the identification of projects and objectives of mutual satisfaction.
The effectiveness over time of the SA 8000 Management System and the adequacy of this Social Responsibility Policy is assessed by the Top Management by developing periodic Management Reviews, through direct feedback with the interested parties and analysing the results of company monitoring and internal audits.
A copy of this document is disseminated in the company workplaces by posting in common points or via the website or by sending it directly via the intranet; the Corporate Social Responsibility Policy is also transmitted to all interested parties who request it or who, in any case, are deemed necessary to involve for the purposes of the Social Responsibility Management System.