The Reportis the voluntary tool through which Mediterranea intends to carry out external communication, relating to its Management System for the Social Responsibility in compliance with the international standard SA 8000, giving information to all interested parties (internal and external) of its Policy, the Management System, the results achieved and the future improvement objectives defined during the Review of the SocialResponsibility System.
All this is implemented with a view to a relationship of full transparency and collaboration with employees and other interested parties.
The path undertaken that has led Mediterranea Sh.p.k to the implementation of a Management System compliant with the SA8000 standard derives from the belief (always present in the company) that the company policies must be implemented aimed at continuous improvement and full transparency of its activities.
It is through this transparency that Mediterranea Sh.p.k also opens up to constructive criticisms and suggestions, from wherever they come, seeking further indications and stimulations towards a constant improvement of its Management Systems.
A copy of this document is available to anyone for consultation.
A copy was made available to the SA8000 Employees’ Representative, the Employees’ Safety Representative, to all employees via the internal bulletin board.
The existence of this document will also be made known to suppliers and customers by email, sent to interested parties who request it (public bodies, ONG …).

1. Company presentation
Mediterranea Sh.p.k was founded on 15.06.1995 registered with the decision of the court NR 11200 by the initiative of the entrepreneur Paolo Xoccato in order to develop a company capable of producing high quality shirts.
All with a view to developing the local area and enhancing human resources

Mediterranea Sh.p.k aims to develop entrepreneurial activities in the Tirana area by enhancing and protecting local resources. The company produces high quality shirts paying particular attention to the development of the human resources involved and also taking care of the development of local suppliers..

The basic principles on which the Company’s business is based are:

- enhancement: “The company focuses a lot on the development and enhancement of human resources. Many of the employees have over 15 years of employment at the company which has always been a point of reference for the area “.
- territoriality: “Mediterranea Sh.p.k’s activity takes place only in the territory of Tirana and surrounding municipalities. It is not excluded that, in the future, the company may expand its range of acttivity always on the Albanian territory.

2. Identification of stakeholders (Stakeholders)
This chapter introduces the stakeholders involved in the SocialResponsibility System and the actions developed towards them.
Internal Interested Parties

- Direction
- Employees
- Any worker who works at Mediterranea Sh.p.k

In relation to these, the expected expectations, as a result of the adoption of the SA8000 standard, can be synthesized as follows:

- Preserve the credibility and reputation of the Company, in order to give objective evidence of the respect for the human rights of employees, through a SocialResponsibility Management
- System, with the aim of confirming the respectability of the Company;
Generate greater trust from customers and company organizations, demonstrating respect for ethical and social principles;
- Improve relations with institutions by facilitating relations with bodies appointed to

control specific obligations (social security, assistance, safety control);

- Check the social correctness of its suppliers;
- Improve the corporate climate through greater worker protection and involvement of the same in achieving the objectives of improving working conditions.

The SocialResponsibility policy and the SA8000 Report are communicated to internal Stakeholders through publication on the internal bulletin board.
The SA8000 Representative has also assumed responsibility for Communication with Staff, therefore the results of the application of the SocialResponsibility Policy and the results of the Audits of the Certification Body are communicated to the staff through internal meetings and the bulletin board.
External Interested Parties

- Providers
- Clients
- Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
- Public institutions (Public administrations, Government ..)

The expectations of the external Stakeholders, although variegated and dependent on the specific roles that each of them assumes towards Mediterranea, can be synthesized in the awareness of interacting with a company whose attention to SocialResponsibility is evident, certified by independent bodies and continuously demonstrated also through this SA8000 Report.
2.1 Management
The Management continues to promote the maintenance of the Social responsibility system. Considering the abovementioned, the Management promotes meetings with company employees to make them aware of the established objectives and sensitize them to collaboration in the functioning of the system.
The Management is proactive in responding to the reports received from both internal and external parties.
2.2 Employees
The employees are involved in the entire process followed by the company for maintaining the SA8000 certification through information meetings and written communications. The employees were also invited to send any complaints, suggestions and reports to the Management for monitoring the principles set out in the SA8000 Policy and improving company performance.

During 2020 the election of the SA8000 Employees’ Representative was carried out by the employees.
2.3 Providers
Mediterranea has structured a system of verification and awareness of the work of suppliers asking them, as a condition for inclusion in the supplier register, compliance with the rules and principles contained in the SA8000 standard, also extended to the chain of their suppliers (written commitment to respect the principles contained in the Policy).
The sectors were identified where the risk of non-compliance with SA8000 is highest; the criticality of suppliers was also assessed in relation to the type of products / services we purchased. For these suppliers, a specific questionnaire will be filled in in order to assess possible critical issues relating to the requirements of the regulations and legislation. Questionnaires were collected for the main company suppliers.
2.4 Clients
The Clients are informed of the adoption of the Socialresponsibility management system according to the SA8000 standard through email communications.
2.5 Institutional bodies
The previously indicated institutional bodies have been informed of the adoption of the social responsibility system, the policy and the results obtained contained in this SA8000 Report.
2.6 Community
Mediterranea Sh.p.k is aware of the opportunity to involve and convey to the general public the feeling of the attention that the company reserves for the quality of the service, clients satisfaction and respect for and protection of the health of employees.
The position of Management Representative (RDD) is carried out by Blerina Gura, who is conferred by the Management specific authority and responsibility to ensure that the provisions of this Standard are applied and maintained.
As SA8000 Manager (RSA), for all activities related to management, updatingand diffusion of the system, the Management has commissioned Ornela Dervishi.

As Representative of Employees for safety and health at work for SA 8000, the Management has commissioned Fjordi Çuko.
The RSA has the task of regularly informing the Management on the degree of application and the overall effectiveness of the Social Responsibility System, as well as monitoring its application at all levels.
For the appointment of the Employees’ Representative for SA 8000 (RLSA), the company staff has elected Linda Doçi. The appointment was formalized by appointment from the directorate.
Mediterranea, with the involvement of employees and other interested parties, with the aim of developing a socially responsible work environment and promoting the professional growth of all employees, in compliance with regional and national laws, as well as international regulations human rights has adopted a Social Responsibility management system compliant with the SA8000 standard.
With this choice, the Organization undertakes to respect:

the requirements of the SA8000 standard,
- the requirements of national laws applicable to their activities,
- the provisions of international instruments expressly referred to in the lawof reference.

The Company is also committed to the continuous improvement of the SA8000 Social Responsibility Management System and its performance.
It is the will of Mediterranea Sh.p.k that the principles of Social Responsibility are followed by
all Suppliers involved in the supply chain of the product / service object of its activity.
The implementation of the social responsibility system includes the following commitments:

- Child labor: only non-subject employees over the age of 18 are employed compulsory schooling. The company does not use and does not allow the use of child labor.
- Forced labor: all the people employed in the company perform their workvoluntarily.
- employees’ right to health and safety in the workplace: are applied all resources needed to prevent accidents by reducing risks in order to guarantee a safe and healthy workplace for the employees.

- Right to Freedom of Association and collective contractation: everyone’s freedom is respected for worker to form or join trade unions of their choice. The right to collective contractationis guaranteed
- Discrimination: equal opportunities are guaranteed to people who work in the company. Any form of discrimination is prohibited.
- Disciplinary procedures: the existing disciplinary practices are exclusively those envisagedby the Labor Code and aim to encourage respect and collaboration between collaborators.
- Working hours: working hours are in line with the provisions of the Labor Code. Overtime work is carried out only in exceptional cases, in any case voluntary and paid as required by the Labor Code. At least one day off per week is guaranteed.
- Salary: each worker receives a salary capable of ensuring a dignified life for himself and his family.

The management system provides:

preparation of a supplier control plan: procedures have been defined and implemented for the selection of suppliers on the basis of their ability to meet the requirements of the standard.

- definition of roles and functions: responsibilities have been made known and clear to all staff
- staff training: through the organization of awareness raising meetings on the ethical principles of the standard
- definition and implementation of periodic control methods of the effectiveness of the management system: through internal review and internal audits.
- definition and implementation of periodic control methods of the effectiveness of the management system: through internal review and internal audits.
- performing external communication: the communication is aimed at informing the interested parties about the company performance regarding the requirements of the standard. The communication is carried out directly or through the company’s email. Furthermore, for the most significant parts, a specific communication is sent in order to report the updates made to this document.P- communication to employees of the - possibility of filing a complaint with the employees’ representative and, once certification is achieved, to the certification bodyif company actions are found that do not comply with the standard.

The verification of the achievement of the objectives and commitments is carried out by the Management during the reviews of the system, in which the same undertakes to define and document new objectives and commitments.

The company has created the Social Responsibility Manual which presents the Company Policy and describes the responsibilities for the management of company activities and the criteria used to ensure compliance with the reference standard.
The company activities that impact on Social Responsibility are brought under control for
by means of procedures that define the rules to be followed by the staff. They define
in addition, the methods for collecting, storing and updating data and the necessary actions
to ensure continuous improvement of processes. All staff have a chance toaccess thedocumentation relating to the System.
The company has also defined control methods for the correct application of the procedureswhich is ensured by means of checks carried out by external consultants and / or internstaffproperly trained. The company also defines each year the objectives to be achieved, which are formalized in theManagement review and analysis of SA8000 indicators. Their implementation is kept belowcontrol and the results are finalized by means of the Management Review, which provided the elements on which this SA 8000 report is based.
The results achieved with regard to the application of the SA8000 standard are described below.
One of the main points of the Mediterranea Sh.p.k Social Responsibility Policy is not to applythe child labor, and to work towards the use of suppliers who pursue the same goal. In this regard,Mediterranea Sh.p.k has never employed minors (under 18) within its production processes; the company has in any case formalized a procedure to be followed if following to a work training program or if it is used at suppliers (P001), within which a series of interventions are envisaged to be implemented in the event that it is decided to include minors in certain production processes (within school-work contracts or apprenticeship contracts), or ascertain the presence of minor employees, both in the company sites (for example, operating on behalf of suppliers) and at the premises of suppliers.
To continue not to use employees under the age of 18; expecting this attitude from our suppliers and monitor the possible use of minors with respect to the requirements of the law and the Labor Code.

Mediterranea Sh.p.k has never made use of child or child labor, nor do we have, to date, minor employees employed by our suppliers. The staff is aware of the requirement, it was reiterated to report any situation in this sense: there is no report at the moment.


At the Mediterranea Sh.p.k forms of pressure on employees or any other collaborator are not carried out or allowed to force and oblige to work in the company. Each worker can decide at any time to terminate the employment relationship created in the manner provided for by the Labor Code in order to have what is required by law.
Joining overtime is always voluntary.
To improve the knowledge of the rules governing the employment relationship betweenemployees and the company, to increase and monitor the awareness of employees in the management decisions and planning of the work to be realized.
The work performed by all the people employed in the company is absolutely voluntary, nobody is victim of threats or other pressures that force him in any way to lend his ownactivities for the company.
No worker has been asked and no worker has ever left any type of deposit inmoney or original identity documents. Copies are requested at the time of hiringthe identification documents to formalize the employment relationship, to the employed employees are requested copy of the main references (name, tax code, identity card, residence permit for foreigners).
Each worker is aware of the procedures envisaged with respect to the above; are not found complaints or problems regarding any overtime performed, requests for leave / holidays / hours flexible on the part of the employees are discussed and agreed with the management.
In any case of any requests for advances from employees the management will evaluate the specific case by agreeing with the requesting employee the best solution to solve the needs without excessively engaging the employee from an economic point of view.
The company's goal is to achieve the best level of satisfaction andmotivation of staff through the improvement of interpersonal relationships, ofinvolvement and individual awareness that define the "internal climate".

Mediterranea Shpk is very attentive to the safety and health of its employees. In 2021 it will move its headquarters to a new building, equipped with all the highest safety standards.

1. Not to have accidents at work or cases of occupational diseases
2. Have trained and aware staff
3. Respect the established safety program on the subject of exercises, training and health surveillance plan.

The risk assessment and emergency plans for the headquarters are updated in accordance with the mandatory regulations.
The foreseen figures have been identified and correctly trained, as well as having formed theemergency team (fire and first aid).
Absences due to illness and injury are constantly monitored, in order toidentify the possible causes and if necessary put in place the appropriate remedies.
The correct use of the appropriate DPI, however, reduces the risks listed above.
Safety in the workplace is ensured by timely compliance with regulations through the riskassessment plan and periodic control of all workplaces by the “safety” group made up of the Social Performance Team with the support and supervision of a company external (Trajf At the moment, the following are carried out:

1. Training and updating for all personnel on workplace safety
2. Systematic carrying out of inspections at the company offices by the qualifiedDoctor
3. Carrying out medical examinations for employees as established by the qualifiedDoctor.
4. Performance of the evacuation test (for 2021) and appointment of the personel in charge of the emergency management

6. Update Training for the personel in charge of safety.
At the same time as the audits carried out, the company verifies that the cleaning and hygiene of the bathrooms, of all the work spaces, of the equipment used are adequate and allow all staff to use them in optimal hygienic conditions and in line with the provisions. also by the international standards implemented for the hygiene of the sold products.

The company guarantees that the staff representatives are not subject to discrimination and that such representatives can communicate with their members in the workplace. If trade union representatives are present, they will enjoy permits to carry out their mandate in compliance with the provisions of the Labor Code.
Although there are currently no trade union representatives in the Mediterranea Sh.p.k, the company does not obstructthe possibility of being able to elect them. It is also in favor of the accession of its employees in trade unions, and makes the contacts of the main trade union groups available. To ease meetings and exchanges between its employees, it also makes company spaces available for internal meetings between employees.

• Not to have reports / complaints / cases of discrimination related to the participation ofemployees of trade unions.
• To always allow the presence of trade unions within the companythrough scheduled meetings of local representatives with employees.
• To improve the level of awareness of employees regarding the legislation and the management of the employment relationship

No reports received from employees (even anonymously) or from external organizations
Mediterranea does not adopt or support any form of discrimination in hiring, remuneration, access to training, promotion, dismissal or retirement based on sex, race, social class or national origin, birth, religion, disability, sexual orientation. , family responsibility, marital status, trade union membership, political opinion, age or any other condition that could give rise todiscrimination.

- To have no reports / complaints related to this point.
- Improve the level of awareness of the forms of discrimination that can beexercised in a business context, and raise awareness of the attention of employees to identify, recognize and report any cases, both within the company and by suppliers.
- Monitor the respect of equal opportunities between employees both in terms of wages and workloads; always demand respect for diversity.


No reports received from employees (even anonymously) or from external organizations

The company does not apply any type of disciplinary action that goes beyond those provided for by the Labor Code or the Social Responsibility standard. It does not use nor does it support corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion or verbal abuse. Any amounts that may arise from disciplinary sanctions provided for by the Labor Code are in no case collected by the company.
Monitor the correct use of the disciplinary procedures established by the Labor Code (verbal warning, warning letters, suspensions, dismissals)
No reports received from employees (even anonymously) or from external organizations for disciplinary actions undertaken by Mediterranea Sh.p.k.
Mediterranea Sh.p.k complies with the provisions of the Labor Code and the SA8000 standard applied as regards working hours (both ordinary and extraordinary), holidays and vacations.

- Keep overtime working hours under control
- Not exceed the established maximum limit of overtime hours.
- Ensure that all staff take advantage of holidays and permits accrued, as planned and in accordance with the provisions of current legislation on the matter.
- Agree and allow any need for flexible hours by employees


• Overtime hours do not exceed 200 hours per year
• Flexible hours by employees and permits based on requests
• All staff take holidays as scheduled by the company twice a year (March-August) or according to requests for holidays in special cases

No reports received from employees (even anonymously) or from external organizations for disciplinary actions undertaken by Mediterranea Sh.p.k.

With regard to salaries, Mediterranea Shpk undertakes to pay adequate salaries and contributions, and in some cases higher than those expected by national regulations.

• To process the payslips in full compliance with the legal requirements, not receiving any reports or complaints;
• Improve the level of knowledge and awareness of employees reading payrolls;
• Monitor the adequacy of salaries and employee satisfaction, with respect to the company possibilities and the average salaries received by employees of companies of the same type and sector.

Despite having suffered a drop in orders due to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic with a consequent decline in turnover, salaries have always been guaranteed and paid on time.
No reports received from employees (even anonymously) or from external organizations for disciplinary actions undertaken by Mediterranea Sh.p.k.

1) Management review
- Mediterranea Sh.p.k undertakes to carry out at least one review per year
- Ensure that the review is signed by the Management and the Employees’ Representative
- Ensure that the results of the review are disseminated to all interested parties.


- This report has been presented and discussed with the Management Representative (RDD), the Employees’ Representative (RL) and the Responsible of the Social Responsibility Management System (RSGRS).
- The Report signed by RDD, the RL and RSGRS, will be published and made available to all employees in hard copy in the company archives.

2) Definitions of roles and responsibilities


Ensure clear definitions of roles, responsibilities and authority.

Organization chart product displayed on company notice boards to allow employees to interface with the right figures in case of need.
3) Periodic education, training and awareness programs for staff

Ensuring periodic education programs for all staff training and awareness.


• Fire fighting training twice a year
• Training of risks in the workplace twice a year
• New hiring training
• Work process education training
• SA8000 training

4) Monitoring of the performance and effectiveness of the SA 8000 system


Ensure effective system performance monitoring systems through:

1) Annual involvement of all staff
2) Check status of reports, complaints and suggestions and status of remedial actions
3) Check the effectiveness of the actions
4) Conducting at least 1 annual internal audit
5) Periodic monitoring of indicators
6) State of verification and evaluation of suppliers
7) Annual review and improvement actions, effectiveness of the actions coming from previous reviews

Ad hoc training has been activated for all staff to raise awareness and stimulate the use of suggestions, improvement or preventive actions which are clearly increasing
5) Problem management and implementation of corrective actions

Ensure that all interested parties, especially employees, are guaranteed an anonymous system for sending reports and complaints.
Set up a box for collecting anonymous reports. At the moment, no anonymous reports have been received in paper form or brought by the employees’ representative to the RSGRS or management.
Adopt a supplier monitoring system in accordance with the requirements of the SA 8000 standard.
As regards the monitoring of suppliers, this was carried out:

- through the administration of an information questionnaire on compliance with the required requirements (to which was attachedthe written commitment to be signed for compliance with SA8000 requirements and the Company Policy);
- through part II SA8000 Audit on critical suppliers

As regards the request for subscription and adherence to compliance with the principles of Social Responsibility by the suppliers, we note the subscription and compliance by all the suppliers to whom the monitoring was subjected.
Promote and give visibility both to the path taken by the company regarding Social Responsibility and to the themes and culture expressed within the Standard, with a view to an ever greater involvement of interested parties
Interest expressed by many Clients in the path of adherence to the SA8000 standards undertaken by the company.

Ensure the access of interested parties (including the Certification Body) to documents and company spaces, to certify their compliance
Waiting for subsequent certification audit.
Guarantee the correct management, filing and traceability of all the documents necessary to give evidence of compliance with the required requirements
All documentation is available from the RSFSR (administration) office and easily accessible to all staff or anyone interested.